Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr. Pip and Bougainville

1. Choose a passage in the first 105 pages that you connected with or felt that it was important to the story as a whole. Post it on your blog and explain why you connected with it or think it is important.

"The book is not there, sir," I said.
If ever there was a time for Mr. Watts to show his fear, thi would have been it.
"Are you sure, Matilda?"
"it is not on the desk, sir."

I feel that this passage is important because the book Great Expectations plays a big role in the story. All the characters in the story are connected with this book, such as the kids, their parents and even the redskins.

2. Where are the themes of story telling and oral tradition apparent in the novel? To whom are they important and why? List and describe as many as you can.

Oral tradition is apparent in the novel when Dolores talks about ancestry to matilda making sure that she knows everybody in the family tree. Another example where oral tradition is shown is when the parents are telling their stories and tales to all the kids. This is important to the parents since this passes down their knowledge and traditions.

Mister Pip and Bougainville (pp. 1-73)

1. What reasons do you think Mr. Watts has for inviting the children’s parents in to speak in the classroom?

Mr. Watts may have invited the children's parents because he is only strong when it comes to teaching Great Expectations. For many of the other questions that the students have, Mr. Watts had trouble answering them. By bringing the children's parents, the kids have a larger variety of topics that the children can learn from. This would benefit the kids more than if Mr. Watts taught alone.

2. Why do you think Matilda says that she will have to choose between Mr. Watts and her mother?

I believe Matilda said she has to make a choice between Mr. Watts and her mother because she has become very obsessed with Pip. Matilda is so "close" to Pip that she considers Pip a part of the family. Her mother thinks otherwise, Matilda's mother doesn't like Matilda being so obsessed with Pip. So eventually, Matilda thinks that if she wants to be with Pip, she'll have to choose Mr. Watts over her own mother, and if she wants to follow her mother, she would have to give up Pip.

3. What does Matilda’s mother mean when she says that Mr. Watts “is the offspring of a shining cuckoo”? Why does she call him “Pop Eye” instead of “Mr. Watts,” as the children do?

Matilda explains that the shining cuckoo goes to lay their eggs and then fly off before the chick is born. When Matilda's mother said that Mr. Watts is the offspring of a shining cuckoo, she means that, he is left here all by himself and had no parents since he is the only white man left. Matilda's mother calls Mr. Watts Pop Eye because she doesn't like Mr. Watts, so this was the amount of respect that she displayed to him, while all the other kids were able to become a little closer with Mr. Watts and actually call him by his real name.

4. What do you think Mr. Watts means when he says that he hoped his wife “might eventually grow into her name”?

When Mr. Watts said that he hoped his wife might eventually grow into her name, he meant that he had hoped that her wife would start a new life. Mr. Watts said that certain events occured in her past, so he hoped that by getting a new name, she would start a new life.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Types of Comedy

Verbal Comedy - This Clip is funny because she is poking fun at the Vietnamese stereotype.

Physical Comedy is funny because these are situations that don't normally happen when interacting with some of these objects or environments

This clip of Ironic comedy is funny because the person who isn't watching where he's going is yelling at the person for his own mistake.

In this clip of satire comedy, it is funny because he contradicts himself throughout the entire video, and thinks he is a good dancer