Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oedipus' Wheel of Fate

In King Oedipus, many characters are involved with a series of misfortunes. Most characters did not deserve such misfortunes, especially Oedipus. I feel very sympathetic for him and his situation because the oracle told King Laius and Jocasta that it was predetermined that Oedipus would kill his father. It wasn't for him to decide whether he wanted to kill his father or not, it was just fate. He must have been ashamed and embarrassed to have married his own mother as well, Which was why he was abandoned soon after he was born. That alone is unfortunate for Oedipus. From the day he was born, his life foretold, and since the very beginning, Oedipus had been in fear of the fate he had in store for him and he desperately struggled to try and prevent his fate, but things were out of his control. He was completely helpless which is why I feel sympathetic towards Oedipus.

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